The centralisation of certain support functions of Pošta Slovenije and Intereuropa commenced in January 2021. A portion of the activities and thus also a portion of the employees were transferred from Intereuropa to Pošta Slovenije, and as of 1 January began working in unison in six support functions at the level of Pošta Slovenije. In total 16 employees from the current support services of Intereuropa were transferred to Pošta Slovenije as their new employer.
In accordance with the IT-related service development strategy we began the standardisation of the offer of information services that were previously provided under the Posita and APS PLUS brands, APS PLUS, napredne poštne storitve, was renamed to Posita, informacijske rešitve. Posita has become a brand for comprehensive digital operations. In the coming period we will gradually transfer to Posita the implementation of all information infrastructure and cloud computing services under the Posita brand, and the services for digital operations, such as the Pošta®ca trust services, the accredited safe storage and the exchange and delivery of electronic documents. To that end, the Company will maintain the current selection of information services provided by APS PLUS, such as paperless operations and SAP enterprise solutions.
Through Pošta Slovenije’s capital contributions into Posita (APS PLUS) in the amount of EUR 5.3 million, it increased that company’s share capital.
In March 2021 SDH adopted an amendment to the Articles of Association of Pošta Slovenije d.o.o. Pošta Slovenije’s Supervisory Board now has nine members. The founder appoints six members, while a further three members are appointed by Pošta Slovenije’s works council.
Changes to the Supervisory Board members of Pošta Slovenije were made in March 2021, Matjaž Fortič, Tomaž Kokot, Aleš Buležan, Franci Mihelič, Ervin Renko and Tomaž Kostanjevec are all shareholder representatives, while Dijana Kos and Saša Gržinić are employee representatives, Tomaž Kokot became the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and Franci Mihelič the Deputy Chairman.
In April Vlasta Vidrih was elected by the works council to serve as the third employee representative on the Supervisory Board.
Tomaž Kokot, the current Chairman of Pošta Slovenije’s Supervisory Board, who the Supervisory Board appointed as General Manager Ad Interim at its meeting of 30 March 2021, took over the management of Pošta Slovenije as of 1 April 2021.
On 31 March 2021, the Supervisory Board of Intereuropa d. d. received the resignation of Boris Novak, MSc from his position as Chairman and member of Intereuropa d. d.’s Supervisory Board.
In April 2021, the subsidiary Intereuropa d. o. o., Zagreb concluded an agreement on the purchase of land in the Kukuljanovo industrial zone for the purpose of setting up a logistics centre. On the same day, it also concluded an agreement on the sale of the existing Dražice location, which it will continue to use under lease for its activity until its relocation to the new logistics centre.
The COVID-19 pandemic also continued into 2021 and thus the performance of activities and measures required to prevent the spread of the pandemic. COVID-19 will affect the performance of the Pošta Slovenije Group also in 2021. Nevertheless, we expect the business plan for 2021 to be achieved.
Pošta Slovenije as the employer and both representative trade unions, the SDPZ and SPD, began negotiations in March on a new collective agreement for Pošta Slovenije d. o. o. This complies with the commitments of Article 13 of the Agreement on measures to ensure the viability of Pošta Slovenije d. o. o.’s and IPPS d. o. o.’s operations in 2020 and 2021, with which the validity of the current collective agreement was extended until 31 December 2021. The objective of the negotiations is the conclusion of a new collective agreement before the current agreement expires in 2021, balancing the expectations of social partners, taking into account the Company’s position on the market. The new collective agreement will apply from 1 January 2022 and will result in slightly higher operating costs for the Company.